Rehabilitation of Runway 0220 and Taxiways at Bram Fischer International Airport

Starting Date: 2020-02-01
Completion Date: Ongoing
Client: Airports Company South Africa (ACSA)
Contractor: iX engineers
Value: $15000000.00
City/Town: Bloemfontein
Province/Region/State: Free State
Country: South Africa

The Bram Fischer International Airport (BFIA) rehabilitation project involves the refurbishment of various components of the airport.

  • Rehabilitation of the Main Runway 02/20 (including RESA and drainage issues): This aspect of the project will involve repairing the runway and addressing any issues with the Runway End Safety Area (RESA) and drainage.
  • Refurbishment of Alpha Taxiway: This component of the project will focus on repairing and upgrading the Alpha Taxiway.
  • Repair of Selected Sections of Taxiway Bravo and Taxiway Charlie: This aspect of the project will involve repairing specific sections of Taxiway Bravo and Charlie that require attention.
  • Apron Rehabilitation: The project will also include refurbishing the Bravo Apron and making repairs to the Alpha Apron.
  • Thorough design of runway pavement components including the runway shoulders, touchdown zones, and centerline.
  • Comprehensive design of taxiway pavement components including edge lighting and guidance signs for safe and efficient aircraft movements.
  • Detailed design of apron pavement components including aircraft parking positions, taxi lanes, and service roads for ground support equipment.

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